Sunday, 29 May 2011

8.1.5 Project activity Record

8.1.5 Project activity record

Student Book

pp 246–49

Use the form below to help you record the activities that you undertake and the decisions that you make throughout the course of your project.


Activities undertaken

Decisions made


Researching different types of makeup


Dicided to make a different mixture of make up on different modals, to suit there personality or look.


Planning, and the question.


I had planned on different styles of makeup and dicided what modals i am going use. I have also came up with a question that will be asked in the evaluation sheet.


Booked the modals on certain days

I have booked the modals on different days as it will take roughly 1-2 hours to apply the make up, using all the health and saftey issues.


Booked a room during lesson.

I have booked a room during the lesson as lunch times where all booked, i will have students as my audience and they will fill out the evaluation sheet


Buying products

As i have have a budget from Mr williams, i will go shopping and buy makeup, as i have already looked online i will be going SuperDrug.

Friday, 27 May 2011

8.1.4 Project Resources


Name: Cara Louise

Below is a list of the different types of resources you might need to complete your project. Consider each one in turn and identify what you will need to complete your project.

Type of resource

What I will need for my project

How I will get it


Make up, makeup wipes, camera, computer, modals.

Shops, school and friends


Need a computer where I can upload

The school


Make up

Super Drug


I will get £33 from the budget the school is giving me

Mr Williams


Need Modals

Will ask friends

8.1.3 Project Activities


Name: Cara Louise

Below is a list of some of the key activities that you will need to carry out to complete your project. Consider each one in turn and write down what this will mean for your project and how long you think it will take. Completing this worksheet should help you with Section 4 of your Project Proposal Form


How I will do this for my project

How long will I need

Generating Ideas

I will be researching on the internet and asking teachers on any comments or ideas.

1 week

Action Planning

Meeting with the modals, set dates, plan ideas.

1-2 weeks


I will be researching on the internet for pictures, articles, general information based on the project I am doing, I will also look at the equipment I may need for it.

1 week


I need to pick the modals, get a camera, buy makeup and equipment, book a room, how it is going to be set out, set dates on the room and also the days I am going to be placing make up on the modals, print pictures.

2 weeks


Set out the room, give out evaluation sheets to audience, and ask for feedback.

1 Day


Analyse the audience’s feedback and evaluate what could have been better.

2 days


Talk to Ben Cole about booking a room.

2 days

8.4 Pictures

8.4 Pictures i had used

8.4 My Exhibition Pictures

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

My project involves make up, different types of make up to symbolise peoples different personalities, and to make people realise that make up is art.

I have researched a lot on the Internet about how to apply makeup on properly, looked at photographs, saved some photographs and put them on my blog, I have already went shopping and brought the products that I need, and I have applied make up on 4 modals and photographed them, I still need to apply make up on 2 more modals, print the pictures, and have an expedition, which I need to make passes for.