- knowing the makeup skills to be used.
- planning on ideas
- Researching
- using time wisely
- being organised
- Convincing a man to put on makeup
My weaknesses in project was:
- not getting enough people to be modals- i should have done more
- not meeting deadline for the worksheets
I had completed my project, and it went really good, i have thought about what i wanted to do and i have done it well, but what i could have improved on is time keeping, i should have allowed myself to spend more time on applying more makeup to make it look more interesting.
My audience really enjoyed the whole expedition, i had a chance to talk to them, and they filled out an evaluation sheet i have made.
Jessica: ''I really enjoyed looking at the pictures Cara has done, i totally see makeup in a different way, and it shows what you can do with makeup.''
Kafia: ''the man was my favourite, you have done a good job, it looks professional''
Firyal: ''It was awesome, so many different styles of makeup, I'm impressed!''
My question i set myself at the Begining of the project when i had a rough idea of what i am going to do is, 'Do you feel makeup is just used to make people feel better about themselves/ to standout more? Do you think it can be used as art as well/ revel the inner self?'
The conclusion i have come to from my audiences feedback is makeup is used for many different things, it depends on the person, you could wear it for a confidence boost, fashion, to stand out, to blend in, to make yourself feel better, to use as an art-fashion, to make a statement.