Wednesday, 20 October 2010

8.1 Plan for equipment

Plan of what I would need for my project:

  • Models

  • Make up

  • Camera

  • PhotoShop

  • Money

  • A room for my exhibition

  • Computer for the editing

  • Make up wipes

  • Equipment for the make up e.g. brushes

  • Mirrors

  • Contracts for the models (faces)

8.1 Project description of what i intend to do

Description of What my Project is going to be about

For my project in Unit 7, my idea is to make the subject of make up and photography which will come under performing arts/visual arts, performing arts: because before a performance and every one has different types of make up on to suit a certain character, Visual arts: because it is photography which people will be looking at the photos so it is visual arts.

I plan to do an expedition after I do the makeup on the modals and photograph their faces, I would enlarged all the photographs in a room for every one to see my work of Natural, Scary, Goth, Chav etc of different faces.